Monday, January 16, 2012

New Coursework Guidelines

Just completed and published:

1. A complete overhaul of the Druid Clan of Dana section on Fellowship of Isis Central, including new Coursework Guidelines for the DCD, which is based on "The Rite of Dana. Druid Initiation". Everything has been reviewed and approved by Olivia Robertson. It's something new and different. Olivia Robertson and Circle of Isis members hope you will enjoy it and be inspired by it. Besides the coursework guidelines there are several selections by Olivia Robertson, which includes materials previously unpublished online.

Druid Clan of Dana

2. A complete overhaul of the Noble Order of Tara section on Fellowship of Isis Central, including new Coursework Guidelines for the NOT, which is based on "Tara and Lugh: Ordeal of the Danaan Treasures". Everything has been reviewed and approved by Olivia Robertson. It's something new and different. Olivia Robertson and Circle of Isis members hope you will enjoy it and be inspired by it.

Noble Order of Tara

Text and Photo © The Circle of Isis Advisory Board, Fellowship of Isis Central Global Website.