Friday, March 8, 2019

New FOI Liturgy Translations

Just uploaded to Fellowship of Isis Central:

A new Italian Translation: A ritual from "Isis of Alchemy, Transformation Through the Goddess" has been translated by Ivana Circe Modesto of Pharmakou Potnia Iseum, Palermo Italy and Aglaia Francesca of Lyceum of the Divine Meow: Rituale no. 4. Il Pilone di smeraldo di Giove Il tempio ottagonale dell’ Alchimia

Two new French Translations: Two rites from "Melusina, Life Centers of the Goddess" by Rarius Chandalen and Lavindelf of L'Lyceum (Sanctuaire d'Isis) des Sentiers d'Avalon in France. The rites are Rituel 6. L'aube du Soleil Interieur (Dawn of the Inner Sun) and Rituel 7. Ouverture de la Rose du Coeur (Opening the Heart's Rose)
(Photo of FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson, courtesy of Dennis Murphy of Logic Reality)